About me
I am a computational scientist working on implementing distributed numerical methods efficiently by targeting various kind of accelerators, including multi and manycores architectures (CPU, GPU, MIC), in a hybrid fashion. The main technologies I use are OpenCL, Cuda, Python and C++ and most of the codes I develop are available as open source software on my github and gitlab accounts.
I graduated in 2015 from the Ensimag (Grenoble INP institute of engineering at university Grenoble-Alpes). I then completed my PhD by the end of 2019 at the Jean Kuntzmann laboratory under the supervision of Georges-Henri Cottet, Christophe Picard and Iraj Mortazavi on the subject of numerical modelling and high performance computing for sediment flows.
I completed my postdoctoral research under the supervision of Boris Thibert and Quentin Mérigot in the field of computational geometry. Within the same team, I am currently lead developer on RayMapr, a software dedicated to automate the design of optical components such as mirrors or lenses. Despite now working in the field of nonimaging optics, I still occasionally contribute to HySoP (Hybrid Simulation with Particles), a library designed for high performance distributed flow simulation targeting heterogeneous architectures which will be open-sourced soon. More recently, I got involved in the analysis and rendering of 3D subcellular imaging datasets.